
Pulmonary Services & Sleep Center

The Pulmonary & 睡眠中心的工作人员提供全方位的服务,以协助呼吸受损, and to help diagnose and treat sleep related disorders. 有呼吸问题的人的诊断测试包括肺功能测试和成人和儿童的运动测试,这些测试由委员会认证的肺科医生解释,并与你的医疗保健提供者分享,以进一步治疗和随访选择. A doctor’s order is required for all testing procedures.

Sleep Studies

What is a Sleep Study?sleep lab technician

  • 睡眠研究(也称为多导睡眠图)是一种记录睡眠期间不同身体信号以诊断和治疗各种睡眠障碍的程序. This includes brain waves, eye movements, breathing patterns, oxygen levels, heart rate, rhythm and limb movements.
  • 这些研究是在一个受监控的睡眠房间(类似于一个漂亮的酒店房间或卧室)进行的,并由训练有素的技术人员参加.
  • 冰球突破睡眠中心提供私人和设计精美的房间.
  • 有一个中央控制室,有技术人员在场,收集数据并为您提供夜间所需的服务.

冰球突破提供多学科的方法来诊断和治疗睡眠问题, staying awake or troublesome behavior during sleep. 在冰球突破训练有素的技术人员和委员会认证的睡眠医生的帮助下, The center has been accredited by the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE. 冰球突破睡眠中心为以下问题提供诊断冰球突破和短期治疗设施(仅举几例):

  • Narcolepsy – when a person falls asleep suddenly many times a day.sleep center
  • Insomnia -当一个人一夜又一夜难以入睡或保持睡眠时.
  • Sleep apnea syndrome – when a person stops breathing and then starts again many times a night.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) – when a person loses sleep because of a restless feeling in the legs.
  • Nighttime (nocturnal) seizure disorders.
  • Shift work sleep disorder.


What to Expect During a Sleep Study

正确诊断睡眠障碍是制定医生指导的医疗计划的第一步,该计划可以改善和恢复患者的生活质量. 根据您的个人健康需求,您的医生可能会要求您在冰球突破进行睡眠研究.

Sleep Studies at York Hospital

  • 您将被安排在下午6:30或8:30到达冰球突破睡眠中心.
  • 请从冰球突破正门进入医院,礼宾部会通知冰球突破您已经到达.
  • 冰球突破的睡眠专家会向您介绍您的房间,让您在自己的卧室里感到自在.
  • For about 2 hours, the technologist will work with you to collect information, and then connect sensors, which are gently applied on your skin (head, chest, abdomen, and legs). This process is completely painless. The wires are long enough to allow you to move around in bed.
  • 您将体验到一个安静舒适的房间,有电视,Wi-Fi,和私人浴室. You are free to relax until your normal bedtime, or until 10:30pm, to allow for adequate time for the sleep study.
  • 技术人员也可能提供持续气道正压通气(CPAP)设备的演示,该设备可能在您的学习期间使用.
  • Once the test starts, 请注意,视频监控是测试过程的一部分.
  • Telephones and other electronics:
  • After 10:00 pm, you will be asked to turn off all cell phones, pagers, and electronic devices for the duration of the study, until approximately 6am.
  • 在您的研究期间,任何紧急电话都可以直接拨打冰球突破睡眠中心技术工作站207-351-3540.
  • 你可以在技术人员的帮助下在晚上使用洗手间,暂时断开你的电线.
  • In the morning, between 5-5:30am, the sensors will be removed. Plan to be discharged at 6am.
  • You will have the opportunity to take a shower if desired for your comfort.
  • Coffee and a morning snack will be available.
  • 如果您想讨论您独特的睡眠需求,请在预约前与冰球突破睡眠中心交谈.

 What’s Next?

  • Based on the preliminary results of your sleep study, 您可能会被建议进行额外的测试或被推荐进行治疗设置.
  • 您的睡眠研究将由委员会认证的睡眠医生进行解释, then provided to your referring physician.
  • 您的睡眠研究结果将在大约14天内从您的转诊医生处获得.

Most insurance plans will cover sleep studies and treatment. Check with your insurance plan for details.

Can I Have a Sleep Study at Home?

  • Yes, based on physician referral.
  •  在家庭学习期间,测量氧气水平、心率、空气流量和胸部运动.
  • 你将被安排到冰球突破睡眠中心,通过预约.
  • 您的预约将持续长达一个小时,在此期间您将接受有关设备使用的教育.
  • After 1-2 nights of use at home the unit is returned to the office.
  • 您的睡眠研究将由委员会认证的睡眠医生进行解释, then provided to your referring physician.
  • 您的睡眠研究结果将在大约14天内从您的转诊医生处获得.

Most insurance plans will cover sleep studies and treatment. Check with your insurance plan for details.
Now offering sleep studies in the comfort of your own home! For more information please call (207) 351-2424 (days) or (207) 351-3540 nights.

Treatment & Services

冰球突破的睡眠实验室是一种诊断冰球突破和短期治疗设施,用于评估诸如嗜睡症(当一个人一天中多次突然入睡)之类的问题。, insomnia (when a person has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep night after night); sleep apnea syndrome (when a person stops breathing and then starts again many times a night) and Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) – when a person loses sleep because of a restless feeling in the legs. 正确诊断睡眠障碍是制定医生指导的医疗计划的第一步,该计划可以改善和恢复患者的生活质量.

At York Hospital’s Sleep Lab, 患者在一个私人的、安全的卧室环境中进行彻底的睡眠研究, 在冰球突破配备了全面的诊断设备,或者在自己舒适的家中. At York Hospital, trained clinical professionals carefully monitor a patient’s heart rate, breathing patterns and brainwave activity while asleep. 在家庭学习期间,监测是在计算机设备的帮助下完成的. Upon concluding the study, 研究结果的详细报告由患者的医生评估, 并为患者制定个性化的治疗计划,开始他们的康复. Most insurance plans will cover sleep studies and treatment. Check with your insurance plan for details.


For those having their test at home, this short video offers instruction on utilizing the at-home technology.

For more information please call (207) 351-2424 (days) or (207) 351-3540 nights.

肺康复:冰球突破的生活健康中心提供专门的临床锻炼和教育计划的心脏, Pulmonary, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Oncology, Osteoporosis/Osteopenia, Spine Health and Balance. We also offer many community-based health programs, support groups, disease management education and more. Call 207-351-3700 or click here for more information.

Location & Contact

York Hospital Pulmonary Services & Sleep Center
15 Hospital Drive, York, Maine 03909
Phone: (207) 351-2424